

HDPE Geomembrane,土工膜土工布,泰安hdpe防渗土工膜,沼气池黑膜防渗膜厂家,防渗膜价格,山东金驰华易工程材料有限公司,位于山东省泰安市岱岳区山口镇山马路3699号,公司主要生产经营HDPE土工膜,HPE防渗膜,LLDPE土工膜,沼气池黑膜防渗膜,gcl膨润土防水毯,pp双向土工格栅,土工复合排水网,塑料排水板,eva隧道防水板,钢塑土工格栅,土工格室,等系列土工合成材料及土工膜工地施工焊接和土工膜出口。 公司系列土工合成材料无毒、环保,广泛应用于垃圾填埋场、海绵城市建设、国家湿地公园、高速公路、高速铁路隧道防渗、人工湖、大酒店地下车库防渗、机场建设、黑膜沼气池建设、高位池海水养殖、生态农业种植等防渗工程领域。 Geomembrane, HDPE geomembrane, glossy geomembrane, LLDPE geomembrane, impervious film, HDPE impervious film, geotextile, GCL bentonite waterproof blanket, PP bi-directional geogrid, Shandong Jin Chi Hua Engineering Material Co., Ltd. are located at the foot of Taishan at the top of the five mountains, located at No. 3699, Yamaguchi Road, Daiyue District, Tai'an, Shandong. West exit. The company has three layers of CO extrusion and blow molding polyethylene geomembrane production line, with an annual output of more than 10000 tons of HDPE geomembrane. HDPE specifications for Geomembrane: 1: the width of 3-12 meters 2: thickness 0.10-2.0mm 3: the thickness is 0.10-0.50mm, the width is 3-12 meters 4: the thickness is 0.75mm-2.0mm and the width is 3-8 meters. Technical indexes of HDPE geomembrane to American Standard ASTM-GRIGM13. Our factory originates from the original collective owned enterprise, and began to produce polyethylene geomembrane in 1991. It is the drafting unit of geomembrane standard GB/T17643-2011. It is the 18 fixed-point production unit of the former economic and Trade Commission. Nie Shengzhen, the impervious membrane elder , has been working in rural areas in Tai'an since 1991. Our people in Shandong are really famous throughout the country. Hospitality Shandong people welcome you to visit our factory. It is such a delight to have friends coming from afar! When it comes to the top, a view of the mountains is small. With customers, the production of high-end; Make a long friend and make a satisfactory product!


公司名称 山东金驰华易工程材料有限公司 公司类型 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
法定代表 姜兴花 成立日期 2010-12-14
登记机关 泰安市市场监督管理局 注册资本 1000万人民币
信用代码/注册号 913709005667306436 注册地址 山东省泰安市岱岳区山口镇山马路3699号
经营范围 管道料、电缆料、土工布、聚乙烯土工膜、复合土工膜、土工格栅、土工网、防水毯、排水网、土工网垫、土工格室、塑料原料(不含危险化学品)、塑料颗粒、涤纶纤维、塑料制品、机械设备及配件的生产、加工、销售及进出口业务;环保工程施工。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)。


经营模式 生产厂家
主营行业 土工膜,土工布,土工格栅,其他工地施工材料
经营地址 山东省泰安市岱岳区山口镇西太平小学东
主营产品或服务 HDPE土工膜 HDPE防渗膜 LLDPE土工膜 GCL膨润土防水毯 PP双向土工格栅 钢塑土工格栅 塑料排水板 复合土工膜 HDPE黑绿土工膜 蓝色土工膜 土工复合排水网 土工格室
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